What is Digital Forensics and Why It is Important

Jennifer Stephen
2 min readApr 7, 2022

Digital forensics may be a forensic science branch that involves recovering, analyzing, and preserving any information found on digital devices; this forensics branch often concerns cybercrimes. Digital forensics, sometimes cited as “computer forensics,” is the process of identification, preservation, examination, documentation, and presentation of digital evidence found on a system, phone, or digital storage media. Digital forensics could be a critical part of the criminal justice and knowledge security industries that helps to spot, respond, and investigate cyber-related crimes and digital evidence. The term “digital forensics” was initially used as a synonym for computer forensics but has now expanded to hide data analysis on all devices that may store digital data. Digital Forensics is branch of forensic science that involves recovering and investigating fabric found in digital devices. Digital forensics is often helpful to corporations, moreover as law firms. Digital forensics involves analyzing these artifacts to determine what happened, how and when it happened, and who were involved in an alleged crime or misconduct. A digital forensic investigation can then be used as evidence in a court of law. Cyber security companies can develop technologies that prevent hackers from gaining access to a network, web page, or device by using digital forensics. Hackers are skilled at hacking into a network or apparatus of a private or company, but digital forensics have collected valuable information. Digital forensics is employed in both criminal and personal investigations.

Check Out This:

Top 10 Digital Forensics Service Companies

